Wednesday, 15 April 2015

what nature does for Britain book launch

About a month ago I was lucky enough to attend the book launch of Tony Juniper's new book "What Nature Does For Britain". This book launch was hosted at Portcullis House which was amazing to visit! A massive thank you to Lucy McRobert and AFON (A Focus On Nature) for being able to attend this event. Below are a few pictures from the launch and of me getting my book signed by the man himself!

 All the books waiting to be signed! © Chris Woods and The Wildlife Trusts

Pre-launch photo!  © Chris Woods and The Wildlife Trusts

Megan Shersby and I.  © Chris Woods and The Wildlife Trusts

Tony Juniper's introduction to his book!  © Chris Woods and The Wildlife Trusts

Getting my book signed! © Chris Woods and The Wildlife Trusts

wildlife moment of the month #3

It's a beautiful sunny day today on the south coast of England, and this sunshine has also brought lots of butterflies! Today I have seen many brimstones, peacocks and red admirals; but I was very surprised to see my first blue of the season! This lovely holly blue has been fluttering around my garden all afternoon and it is so wonderful to see! Holly blue butterflies are one of my favourite butterflies, coming just behind the scarce silver-studded blue. The holly blue can be seen throughout England but is most common in the south. This little butterfly has a wingspan of just 35mm but it really is beautiful! I can't wait to see even more blue's on the wing!