Monday, 16 February 2015

wildlife moment of the month #2

A lovely spring walk this afternoon meant I encountered the countryside waking up in the form of one of my favourite flowers - the snowdrop!
These delicate white flowers covering the countryside are a beautiful sight and are very welcome on a cold winters day! The sight of these wonderful flowers awakening are my wildlife moment of February!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

snowy arne

Snowy scenes at the wonderfully beautiful RSPB Arne! An early morning walk around Arne in the snow was beautiful with long-tailed tits bounding through the trees with the sound of robins, great tits, goldcrests and blue tits filling the air with birdsong. Out from Shipstal hide black-tailed godwits, dunlins, spoonbills and little egrets were paddling in the icy water. The snow melted quickly but it was beautiful whilst it lasted! 



 Fresh mole-hills in the snow!
 A flock of goldfinches in the cover crop!

 Fresh sika deer trails!


lulworth microadventure

Lulworth cove is one of my favourite places in Dorset. I love going on microadventures so I went exploring Lulworth last week, here are some photos!